New Year, New Plan, New Future for Your Life Plan Community – An Update on New Revenue Recognition Standard (ASC 606) WEBINAR

Date: Thursday, January 11, 2018
Time: 10–11 a.m. Central time

CPE Credit: One CPE credit in the Auditing field of study may be awarded upon verification of participant attendance.

Our webinar will feature insights from:
• Kimberly McKay, Chair of the AICPA’s Revenue Recognition Task Force
• Brian Todd, BKD National Health Care Tax Leader
• Brad Paulis, Continuing Care Actuaries Partner & Current member of the Financial Advisory
Panel for CARF-CCAC

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:
Explain the update on revenue recognition
Discuss the not-for-profit financial accounting implications
Identify CCRC tax issues