Tyler Zentz is promoted to Senior Actuarial Consultant, becomes an Associate of the Society of Actuaries (A.S.A) and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (M.A.A.A.)

Continuing Care Actuaries is pleased to announce that Tyler Zentz has been promoted to the position of Senior Actuarial Consultant. Also, Tyler has satisfied all requirements in attaining the designation of Associate of the Society of Actuaries (A.S.A.) and has been accepted as a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (M.A.A.A.) To many employers, clients, and government leaders, the MAAA designation denotes professionalism and credibility. In order to sign statements of actuarial opinion, an American actuary must be a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries.

To attain the ASA designation, a candidate must successfully complete five examinations, an e-Learning course, a proctored project assessment, validation of educational experiences outside the SOA Education system (VEE), a professionalism seminar and have the Application for Admission as an Associate approved by the SOA Board of Directors. By earning membership in the Society of Actuaries, Tyler has distinguished himself as an Associate of an organization that represents the best mathematicians of the United States, if not the world.

Tyler has been an employee of Continuing Care Actuaries for seven years. He is a graduate of Dickinson College with a BS in Mathematics and Economics.