
Dave Bond

Dave Bond, F.S.A., M.A.A.A.
Managing Partner
415 Main Street, Reisterstown, MD 21136 

Mr. Bond has over forty years of experience with actuarial issues in the self-funded health and the commercial health insurance industries.   He directs Continuing Care Actuaries’ delivery of actuarial services and is recognized as an innovative professional who can plan and deliver effective strategies and bring key stakeholders together in the rapidly evolving healthcare market. Most recently, Dave directed the activities of the Long Term Care Industry for Ernst & Young, LLP and previously worked for a major CCRC consultant.  In this capacity, he was responsible for financial valuation and pricing consulting for existing and proposed CCRC facilities.  Dave is currently directing our company’s delivery of actuarial services.

Dave currently serves on the Care First of Maryland Board and is an appointed member of the Maryland Department of Aging’s Continuing Care Advisory Committee, and is a member of the Financial Advisory Panel for CARF-CCAC.  Additionally, Dave has participated in the SOA Long Term Care Experience Committee and the American Academy of Actuaries Committee on Continuing Care Retirement Communities.  Dave also has membership on the SOA Group Financial Reporting Examination Committee, SOA Long Term Care Examination Committee, SOA Health Policy Examination Committee and the SOA Managed Care Examination Committee.  He is Editor of the SOA Health Section News Publication, a health representative on the SOA 1997 Spring Meeting and has membership in the AAHSA CCRC Solvency Task Force.


  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1980.
  • Member of the American Academy of Actuaries
  • Fellow of the Society of Actuaries
Brad Paulis
Chris Borcik
Tyler Zentz
Jean Bond
Karen Bond
Bill Harris
Matthew Harris
Michael Mak
Rich Navarro
Danielle Russell
Holly Woodworth